City Markets – Fargo Village

How is Fargo Village a communal market?

Sound recording

As mentioned and in an earlier blog post, I conducted a bite-size interviews after questionnaires. I recorded the audio and have now compiled the files into an audio montage. I have attached a link to the YouTube upload. The audio is accompanied with pictures of some of the village ‘tenants’, all of which have given me written informed consent to include their pictures and voices.

Disclaimer: the pictures on screen do not directly correspond with the person speaking.

I presented participants with the statement

In 3 words describe what you like best about being part of the Village

And provided them with a minutes thinking time. I didn’t want to provide them more time as I feel restricting the response time enabled more genuine and spontaneous answers.

As you can hear, the repsonses include words such as ‘community’, ‘unique’, ‘creative’. All of these were also found in the questionnaire responses. Other words also reveal the communal nature of Fargo Village such as ‘supportive’, ‘belonging’ and ‘eclectic’.
The results of the bite-size interviews work in collaboration with the responses from the questionnaire and provide an understanding of how Fargo Village is a communal market.

Together the responses express that Fargo remains a market in the sense that businesses are still involved in trade – and, more specifically to markets, trade of products organically produced or in a niche way. Additionally the data this research has produced explores different ways Fargo acts as such a market in a communal manner. For example, through co-operatove decision making, through nurturing a friendly working environment and through encouraging creativity in a multitude of forms.

-Lucille Jousselin

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